Good for: May be helpful in cases of mind disturbances, may be good for sleeplessness, restlessness, anxiousness, heart beating fast, and tiredness by soothing the Heart shen and nourishing Heart blood/yin.
Ingredients: Sour jujube seeds, Mimosa tree bark, Lotus seed’s stems, Lily bulbs, Salvia root, Schisandra fruits.
Directions: 1-2 tea bags per day. Let soak in a cup of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink before bed.
Important: To get a better night sleep, and achieve long and undisturbed sleep pattern, please avoid the following; coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate, caffeinated sodas, alcohol. Don’t overeat or be in a state of extreme hunger before bed. Practice meditation to keep negative thoughts from entering your mind before bed.