Good for: low back pain, sciatic pain, joint pain, spinal / sacral pain due to degeneration, inflammation, herniated disc, spondylosis (bone spur), irritated nerves due to compression, pain radiating down the hip, buttock, thigh, calf, or heel and toes. May also help promote body's natural ability to tone and strengthen muscles on the lower limbs, decrease swelling due to pain and irritation in the spine from sciatica.
Ingredients: Astragalus Membranaceus, Salvia, Ox-knee root, Angelica Pubescens, Eucommia, Coix, Poria Cocos.
Instruction: 3 capsules (4 if severe) each time, 3 times daily before meal. * Restrict from consuming beef, shellfish (shrimp, crab, clams ...etc), and eggplant. These types of foods have shown to exacerbate symptoms.